Via Dei, le chemin de Dieu

«Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi.»
Jean 14:6
1 For the choir director. [A Psalm] of David; for a memorial. O God, [hasten] to deliver me; O LORD, hasten to my help!

2 Let those be ashamed and humiliated Who seek my life; Let those be turned back and dishonored Who delight in my hurt.

3 Let those be turned back because of their shame Who say, "Aha, aha!"

4 Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually, "Let God be magnified."

5 But I am afflicted and needy; Hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay.

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